Daniel Fung Watertown

In the non-peer-reviewed, pre-clinical study “In Search of Preventative Strategies: Novel Anti-Inflammatory High-CBD Cannabis Sativa Extracts Modulate ACE2 Expression in Covid-19 Gateway Tissues” Canadian scientists at the University of Lethbridge have discovered cannabis may be able to block droplets of the virus from infecting human cells. The tests were conducted in April, when scientists looked to see how a sample of sativa extracts containing high amounts of the cannabinoid CBD interacted with the ACE2 pathways the virus uses to enter the body.

Daniel Fung Watertown CT cannabis expert notes that the results indicate, through testing several cannabis plants, extracts high in CBD may be able to block the proteins that COVID-19 uses as the gateway into the body. This is a notable finding for researchers, as it has been considered that cannabis could reduce the entry points into the body by as much as 70 percent. The researchers have stressed that more studies are needed to fully research if cannabis can modulate the enzyme, but teams are hopeful that cannabis can be utilized to decrease disease susceptibility of some of the most vulnerable of our population. Daniel Fung of Watertown CT acknowledges that, while many have heard of the immensely important research going into finding a vaccine for COVID-19, one cannot discount the ways in which effective and safe treatment can help us going forward.

One important thing of note in the study’s findings was that not just any variety of cannabis will prove useful for treatment, as the study suggests that a mere handful of the over 800 types of sativa available have seemed helpful for medical application. All the strains that are under further research were high in CBD (known for its anti-inflammatory properties), but low in the cannabis high producing cannabinoid, THC.

While the potential health benefits of marijuana have been studied for quite some time, Daniel Fung of Watertown CT recognizes that the idea that it can be used to help people during the pandemic is a huge finding for both the healthcare and cannabis industry. With research such as the findings presented by this study and dispensaries being labeled as essential businesses in several states during the pandemic, Daniel Fung believes that recent developments could go a long way towards further legitimizing the industry. The CBD industry, for example, has begun to boom as of recently but has faced questioning from skeptics about its true helpfulness as an anti-inflammatory and potential pain reliever. The findings of the University of Lethbridge team may prove that there is scientific legitimacy in these claims, facilitating even more growth in the space.